
Are you moving soil off your sites?

25 Jul 2019


Builders and developers are increasingly seeking ENM/VENM soil testing services to comply with regulations when removing soil from sites. Councils require assurance that the soil being removed is either clean or contaminated, regardless of whether it is transported to another site or a landfill. This often involves an ENM/VENM assessment.

Initially, ENM/VENM testing requests came from regions north of Sydney. However, this requirement has now become a widespread issue for builders and cartage firms throughout NSW.

Authorities frequently stop and inspect loads to ensure contractors meet their obligations when removing spoil. The penalties for non-compliance can be severe. If you have not yet encountered this requirement, here is some essential information to help you prepare for an ENM/VENM assessment.

1. What is ENM/VENM?

Our Geotechnical Engineer, Dane Dwyer, provided insight into the relevant code.

VENM (Virgin Excavated Natural Material) refers to natural materials such as clay, gravel, sand, soil, or rock fines that meet the following criteria, as defined by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act):

  • The material has been excavated or quarried from areas not contaminated by manufactured chemicals or process residues from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural activities.
  • It does not contain any sulfidic ores, soils, or other waste.

VENM also includes excavated natural materials approved under an EPA Gazettal notice. The EPA classifies VENM as general solid waste (non-putrescible).

2. Is there any other waste present?

VENM cannot include any other waste or be created from processed soils. Excavated materials that undergo processing cannot qualify as VENM.

3. Why ENM/VENM Testing is Crucial?

We believe it is essential to inform builders about these regulations to help them prepare and manage their costs effectively. Our team offers VENM/ENM testing as part of Lot Classification services or as a standalone service. You can now order Lot Classifications online for added convenience

Make sure you’ve factored the cost of ENM/VENM testing into your next build budget.

Contact us for more info


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